Software Life Cycle

      The Software Life Cycle

 Software life cycle is the general life story of a software. This is a process which every software goes through.  This process circulate in the entire life cycle of every software. This cycle goes through several steps. Everything in the universe has a life cycle. This is the life cycle of a butterfly.

And similarly, this is the life cycle of a software.
  1. Concept and feasibility-   Identifying a marketing opportunity, or an organisational need.
  2. Requirements capture- Deciding the future functions of the system according to the needs of the customer.
  3. Requriments Specification- Writing a detailed document about future functions , level of quality and limits of design and proceses. This document is used to sign a contract with customers.
  4. High-level Design - Defining the overall architecture of the software and its subsystems. 
  5. Low- level design-  Defining the individual modules of the system. 
  6. Implementation- Coding the individual modules in the source code, compiled and integrated to build the complete system.
  7. Testing- Individual modules and then larger subsystems are tested.
  8. Trial- Testing the complete system in a realistic environment. 
  9. Deployment- Release to customers and installation on site.
  10. Operation and Maintenance.-  Upadating and upgrading the software to enhance its performance. And bug fixing.
  11. Obsolescence- Retire and replace.
This is the life of a software.
