"To overcome challenges , stop comparing yourself to others" - Dean Furness


At the beginning of this video, I thought this is a video about the importance of helping disabilities. I thought he is going to beg our help. Then he will cry, talking about his sufferings. But when he was talking about his life story before the accident, I felt a sense of difference than begging for help. So, who is this "he"? He is an enthusiastic person who was disabled by an accident. His name is Dean Furness.

 His voice and body language are strong. His personality has self-confidence. He looks like a very straight man. When he talks about his accident very funnily and easily, I realized that he is a very strong man than I thought before. According to his story, his mind soon recovered from the accident. And he obeys the instructions of intelligent and his friendly people like his coaches, doctors and therapists. So, Dean Furness is a very intelligent and brave person to follow this instruction.

 Actually, I was felt sad and angry about myself. I have everything. But, what I have achieved compared to him? The answer is "nothing". He said everything exactly about us. What we are doing? We compare always ourselves with others. We always try to be others. We always try to live like others. But we can't achieve anything from this strategy. We will have to set a goal ourselves suitable for us. The person who knows us mostly is actually ourselves. A disabled person can win a marathon. So, what we can do as normal people? We can do anything. History shows this many times. Dean Furness is not the only person who destroyed barriers in society. We have to make our lives better ourselves. And we should be clever to get help from good people. This is the story of Dean Furness.
